4 users follow The Lunar Brony
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Body And Mind When a changeling is captured by royal guards, both he and ponies find their assumptions about each other challenged. by Starman Ghost 66,224 words · 2,409 · 65
Shards of Hatred Twilight Sparkle finds a new powerful kind of magic. The question is, does she control it or does it control her? by ChaoticHarmony 45,437 words · 694 · 45
Path of Damnation Twilight has failed, or rather, she has succeeded. Her darkness is her power, and together with her husband, Queen Twilight has a new plan for all of Equis. War is brewing as the black castle rises, and hope is now but a happy memory. by Lucidenn 47,851 words · 403 · 29
These are my overall favorite stories!
Thank you for the fave on Study Time and for the follow as well!
Thank you kindly for the watch and the faves of the Chronicles. It's much appreciated.
I'm glad you said something about the favorite. I meant to follow you but I forgot until then. I'm a bit of a absent minded/forgetful person.
Oh my, AND a watch? Thank you very much again!
Thank you for adding "The Iron Horse" to your list of favorites! I hope you will continue to enjoy the story!