• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 10th, 2017


This account is dedicated to stories of Love, Healing, Kindness and Hope. I know a lot of you out there are suffering, and I hope you can find a safe-haven in my writing.

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Good News Everyone! (account announcements)

I HAVE JUST PUBLISHED A GREAT AND POWERFUL FANFIC! Yes, that's right the Twixie fic is out now! Hope everyone enjoys it!
I do take requests. I may or may not get to them though! I also made this account an OC mascot. Her name is Adorabelle. She is a filly who likes to give snuggles and LOVES to get them! Tell me what you think of her! Remember to favorite and follow! ^_^

Comments ( 3 )
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Fight and fight hard. =3

1129158 I agree, so hard. I wish every single person on the Internet was like you, Diasweetus :derpytongue2:

"This account is dedicated to stories of Love, Healing, Kindness and Hope. I know a lot of you out there are suffering, and I hope you can find a safe-haven in my writing."
You get a watch for this.

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How To Save a Life · 7:33pm May 22nd, 2014

Hi, this is Adorabelle! This is one of Diasweetus' post but I wanted to just say hi! Apparently He's going to go and let someone take his blood... oh well.

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