• Member Since 21st Jul, 2018
  • offline last seen Last Sunday


Hello everypony I’m Glim Glam 65 I may not be good at writing stories. But that doesn’t mean I won’t try. Everyone’s my friend here.

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Blog Posts

  • 272 weeks
    My new discord server

    Hey guys sorry I haven't been on for like ever Ive been doing other things Ill try to be on more and there. But heres the link to my new discord server.


    0 comments · 261 views
  • 279 weeks
    Twilight Glimmers comedy week

    Hey everypony I just wanted to let you all know my good friend Twilight Glimmers having a comedy week the week when it’s her spring break where she will be writing one story every day. If you guys have any stories as request for her Pm her. If you don’t know her send the requests to me and I’ll send them to her.
    Hope you all are a having a nice day.

    0 comments · 341 views
  • 280 weeks
    My new discord server

    Hey guys I’m alive here’s my new discord Server.

    3 comments · 346 views
  • 280 weeks
    I’ll be on discord 24/7 this whole week

    Hey everypony just wanted to let you all know I’ll probably be on discord all day for the next week I’m on spring break and I’m in Oregon Visiting my grandma and unlike my mom my grandma doesn’t restrict anything. So I suggest you head on down to ponymania. See you all there.

    2 comments · 320 views
  • 281 weeks
    I’m alive

    Hey everypony I just wanted to let you all know I’m alive in case any of you thought I was dead. Sorry I’ve been gone I’ve been busy.

    4 comments · 318 views

My new discord server · 7:49pm May 5th, 2019

Hey guys sorry I haven't been on for like ever Ive been doing other things Ill try to be on more and there. But heres the link to my new discord server.


Report Strictheadmare · 261 views ·
Comments ( 221 )
  • Viewing 217 - 221 of 221


Happy Thanksgiving, Strict!

Hey Glim Glam. Just wondering where Ponyland disappeared to.

  • Viewing 217 - 221 of 221
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