• Member Since 27th May, 2013
  • offline last seen July 19th


https://discord.gg/HDp8sqW - I apologize if I haven't been the friend that you deserve. But I want you to know, in my way, I love you all. - Dr. Sheldon Cooper

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Back in the Saddle · 10:21pm Jul 2nd, 2023

Hey chaps and chapettes,

How do you do? I hope everyone is doing well, and whether you've been here for a good time or a long time, you're enjoying yourselves. I won't go deep into where I've been and why it has taken so long to write something *again*. Simply, I'm still studying part-time and working full-time, and all my other time has been eaten by life. Money troubles have been stressful and anxiety is rife, but everyone's in the same boat.

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Absolute Barnstormers


Comments ( 426 )
  • Viewing 422 - 426 of 426

Thank you for the favorites

Thank you so much for the favoring one of my stories. :twilightsmile:

Is someone still sad enough to dislike positive comments? Geez, people, life is short, get a better hobby than being weaselly little trolls!
Thank you everyone who has said something nice, your words, works and inspirations are invaluable <3

Thank you for favoriting my clopfic!

Hmm. I saw you're in my follows. Tell me friend. Why do you follow me?

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