• Member Since 20th Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen Last Monday

Discord The Narrator

Hey guys! It's me, Discord!

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Merry Christmas! (And a big apology) · 10:55pm Dec 25th, 2023

Yes, I know it's been some time since my last post back in August. ^^;
Yes, I know we have already gone past Halloween and all.😅
And yes, I also know I probably could have tried to connect at some point.:twilightsheepish:

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Report Discord The Narrator · 81 views ·
Comments ( 637 )
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Comment posted by Golden Fang Ryu Shenron deleted Jul 20th, 2022

Sorry, I don't know the characters from ideas 1 and 3.

Hears some fanfic ideas.
Fanfic 1 bevas and butthead do equestria.
Fanfic 2 flutttershy and discord in Rome.
Fanfic 3 broly and cheelai in equestria

Oh, that's nice of you! Thanks.:twilightsmile:

Also, I like your profile pic. Looks good.:ajsmug:

Keep up the good work and I will give you a 1 out of 200 as long as good and funny stories

  • Viewing 633 - 637 of 637
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