• Member Since 24th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen July 14th


I'm a girl living in Ashley, New Milton. Loved mlp ever since it started showing and got to learn about these fanfic in October 2013. (Also I have dyslexia, so if I make mistakes sorry)

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I think I worked out why King Sombra turned to Dark Magic and became evil. · 11:05am Jun 18th, 2020

I'm re re watching the Season 9 opener and noticed, as Sombra's cloak is flowing out behind him while he's laughing at the mane 6 about the destruction of the Tree of Harmony, he's a Blank Flank.

What if THAT was what made him turn to darkness?

What if he was being teased for it by other ponies so he tried to find a short cut to get one, or sought out power to get back at those who made fun of him, and instead of getting a Cutie Mark, he got power over darkness, shadow, and fears?

Comments ( 45 )
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Thank you for liking my story New Recruits ^^

Thanks for the fav bud!:pinkiehappy:

I have a new idea to send

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