• Member Since 31st Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


More of an Equestria Enthusiast but glad to be here. | Audio Reader


Summer Writing List! · 12:31am July 5th

The following stories are what I plan to be working on through this summer, either in planning them out or actually writing them. This will be focused on new stories, so existing stories won't be listed but may be worked on. These include What Lies Beneath, The Shark and the Kraken, and Scooby-Doo: Fazbear Frights. As with usual naming conventions, quotation marks denote short stories, while italics denote multi-chapter works.

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About The Author

When I first came to this site to publish my fan fiction for the first time, I only had three episodes of My Little Pony to my name. The rest I had picked up from the wiki, clips on Youtube, and you all, the community that inspired me to give this show a try in the first place. I've since gone on the undertaking of catching up on all the other episodes I've missed. As such, I can give you this list: favorite pony: Pinkie Pie, favorite character: Discord, favorite princess: Luna, and favorite villain: Queen Chrysalis.

My Little Pony isn't the first fandom I've become apart of and it more than likely won't be the last. I've dipped my pinkie finger in numerous other worlds which I've had more experience writing in. As such, my specialty is a good crossover -- and I have some multiverse meddlers in mind.

I am an avid writer who is a little burnt out at the moment. The quirk with my writing is that it doesn't flow easily without an audience to present it to, so I'm trying to rekindle the spark. The best place to start is where my writing got its roots: fan fiction. I'm baby-stepping my way back into my original works, for which I have a few books' worth of ideas for. I have Fanfiction, Archive of Our Own, and FictionPress accounts for my other works if you want to read them. You may also find me lurking around in the comments on Youtube.

One more thing: I like music when I'm writing. It really gets me in the mood of the story, and I feel it could be nice to listen to while reading it. So, keep an eye out for my notes -- I'll be leaving some song suggestions to read by.

I hope you enjoy my pieces. I leave you with this quote:
"All fiction, in fact, is fan fiction." - Austin Kleon.

-The Legendary Bill Cipher

In The Works

Stories presently in The Works:

"In the Name of Love" - Under Revision
Volphshgld Htxhvwuld - Under Construction
"Untitled" - Under Construction
"Discord hosts 'A Worthy End'" - Under Review For Revision
"Pick Your Royal Poison" - Formulating
"Solace for a Princess" - a Crossover - Paused
"1 12-25-9-14-7 23-9-20-3-8 9-14 16-18-9-14-3-5-19-19 20-23-9-12-9-7-8-20'19 3-15-21-18-20" - Formulating
"17-21-5-5-14 15-6 2-5-1-19-20-19" - Under Construction
"Pink With Fear" - Postponed

*: Due to site rules, the full original story cannot be posted here on Fimfiction. Please refer to my Fanfiction page and/or my Archive of Our Own page for the original, uncut story.

Status Guide:
Formulating - Story is just a concept and may not be on word document.
Under Construction - Work has begun on story.
Under Revision - Story is done or mostly done and may be rewritten.
Nearing Completion - Story is complete and in need of final glance overs.


New Rainbow Infinity Reading! · 1:52am Last Sunday

Featuring Silent Whisper's "Me, You, and Tom"

A story of the trials and tribulations of creativity--and the Pegasus who has gotten unfortunately used to it. It was a delight to do a reading for this one. Be sure to check out the author's other works!

Until next time, stay tuned.

-yours truly,

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Comments ( 137 )
  • Viewing 133 - 137 of 137

Ta for the fave.

Thank you for adding one of my stories to your favorites, TheLegendaryBillCipher! :ajsmug::rainbowwild:

How was the bug not already following the triangle? Well, let's fix that shall we? ;)

Thanks for the favorite on SHY. as well! Stay awesome!

Thanks for the favorite on Blossom! Stay awesome!

  • Viewing 133 - 137 of 137
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