Sugarcoat has been monitoring the human world's Sunset Shimmer for a while now, and she has finally found an avenue in which to learn more about her. But in order to take advantage of it, she may have to become something she doesn't want to be.
Three Shadowbolts on the eve of graduation start a podcast about magical disasters – a conceptual crossover with Well There's Your Problem, a podcast about engineering disasters.
Uncontrolled magic is ripping through the fabric of reality, countless lives and the state of the world are at stake, and it's up to a teenager with mental health issues to fix everything. It seems like this may be a yearly occurrence at this point.
After the friendship games everything returns back to normal at Crystal Prep Academy. However, five students seem influenced by the spirit of friendship they witnessed at CHS, and are unwilling to go back to the cold-hearted usual of their school.
Lemon Zest is pretty lucky for a pony who just got fried to death. She miraculously comes back as a ghost and stumbles on a haunted school where she can learn the basics of the afterlife. The fee of tuition? Recruiting more ghosts to school.