Lemon Zest is the Zestiest Shadowbolt 223 members · 121 stories

This group is made especially for Lemon Zest. She is a Shadowbolt who debuts in the upcoming EG movie Friendship Games. If you love Lemon Zest, then join this group!


The image of reimagining Lemon Zest as a pony was created by Tennis Match Fan

Lemon Zest is from Friendship Games!

Comments ( 9 )
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"The perfect character doesn't exi-"

She is cool, yet adorable at the same time!

She's a cutie.

has anyone noticed this is the only Lemon Zest group on FIMFiction?

If Do Okay!

i'm planning on cosplaying as Lemon zest at Brony con this year

Congratulations! This group was listed in New Groups. This was deserved because of its freshness.

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