• Member Since 25th Feb, 2020
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago


For all I have and all I am

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  • 16 weeks
    I'm 19 now

    It's a weird feeling being in your last year as a teenager.

    1 comments · 57 views
  • 29 weeks


    The new year has come at last! Any New Year's Resolutions? I would love to hear them!
    Mine is to try and get back to my stories here!

    0 comments · 69 views
  • 30 weeks
    Merry Christmas!

    And a happy new year!

    1 comments · 72 views
  • 34 weeks
    NNN is over

    It was quite easy for me, but how far did all of you get?

    5 comments · 153 views
  • 49 weeks
    Played Poker:

    Context: Bottom hand (my hand) is a Royal Flush, the best possible hand in Poker with a possibility of 0.000154% or 649,739 to 1

    0 comments · 117 views

I'm 19 now · 6:35am April 2nd

It's a weird feeling being in your last year as a teenager.

Report Northguard · 57 views ·
Comments ( 387 )
  • Viewing 383 - 387 of 387
Comment posted by Cyrus Colter deleted Jul 8th, 2022

I've been good. I've started writing more stories outside fimfiction (none have been posted yet). The closest to fimfiction activity I'm currently doing is helping Akula966 design warships for a story.

It's just that we haven't talked in a while and I just wanted to see what you've been up to.

Something you needed to know?

  • Viewing 383 - 387 of 387
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