Silent Hill in Equestria 224 members · 58 stories

My Little Pony and Silent Hill has crossed paths. Silent Hill's effect has grown, consuming Ponyville and other parts of Equesrtia. Storms have brewed and accounts have been recorded. They tell tales that make nightmares sound like pleasant dreams. Now the town calls out and awaits a response. Walk into the fog and let the truth unfold. Read a tale or tell one.

Welcome To Ponyville

Comments ( 11 )
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There was a hole here, it's gone now.

Hi so I'm doing a silent hill homecoming cross but it's set in the crystal empire would anyone want to be a editor and extra characters in it

Silent hill one and three events link together game story wise I'd recommend watching YouTube gameplay of them to find the one you like

Joining to post a story, but read most of what this one has to offer.

Joining even though I have never played Silent Hill and only have a vague idea of the storyline. :moustache: Stache is always relevant.

Restless dreams and foggy days. I've found a place that fuses two universes that I care deeply for and I shall stay 'til it's time to go to Nowhere. :pinkiecrazy: I'll start concocting a story to add to the site but it shall take several months as I'm rather picky with my works. Until then try to enjoy the daylight.

Recursive fanfic writer here.

I wrote my own Silent Ponyville fic, inspired by Shattered Memories, and JakeHeritagu's own stories of course, and now that I finally know of the existence of groups, I will finally join this one :twilightsmile:

Hi there. Silent Hill fan here. The original Silent Ponyville is what first lead me to join FimFiction. Can't wait to read the rest. Maybe some day I'll contribute a SH crossover of my own. :pinkiehappy:

so many great stories! is there like some timeline layout for ALL or most of these stories?

I clicked join simply to comment that I LOVE these stories. I'm not sure I'd have the skill to pull any level of scary story telling let alone these but I might in the future. I'd like to add some ideas on who could go into the silent ponyville verse if anyone wants to hear if that's okay.
:pinkiegasp: I didn't know applejack got one,I'm definitely going to read it.

I clicked join simply to comment that I LOVE these stories. I'm not sure I'd have the skill to pull any level of scary story telling let alone these but I might in the future. I'd like to add some ideas on who could go into the silent ponyville verse if anyone wants to hear if that's okay.
:pinkiegasp: I didn't know applejack got one,I'm definitely going to read it.

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