• Member Since 7th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday

Key Strix


I'm still alive~ · 11:30am Nov 23rd, 2023

Title says it! I'm still kicking... and best of all, my newest story is finally DONE! Well, mostly! The story itself is done (after SIX YEARS of slowly working on it), but it needs polish. So it's still gonna take a while to get it fully edited with a proper cover, but I'm working to find help with all of that. I doubt anyone has been keeping any eager eyes on my page for anything (it's not like my other stories were eye-catchers to begin with), buuuut I thought I'd toss an update just for the

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Report Key Strix · 52 views ·

Things made by me to murder your time with

Comments ( 10 )
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I followed you then Safari crashed. What a great way to start off the day!

If by "there" you mean "not dead", then yes. I'm just up in the air about reworking TPR or continuing with a new story I have.

Yo... You still here?


You are awesome!

Don't let any pony tell you other wise!

You deserve a big hug! with a bunny!

Hug me?

All for you from

The Pinkie Pie's Smile Association.

Be sure to fill out a welcome to the party invitation, if you decide to join us!

Hug me cheer up and smile, Today is your Day! Don't let sadness have any sway. Come on over to the party and play!

I'm pretty much the same with LPers. I watch some others occasionally, like Robbaz or BrigirPall, but I find myself mostly visiting youtube to see if TBFP added another continuation to one of their full LPs.

I always appreciate having readers and honest comments, so go for it. I'm mainly looking for input on my Pinkiemean story, but TCCC is a quick read that might be enjoyable if you catch all the pointless references. I wouldn't ask you to waist your time on NotBS because, well... it's pretty shitty and isn't going anywhere.

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