• Member Since 14th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 26th, 2016

Inspectah Dash

"Often when you want a sandwich, you don't have one. Often when you have a sandwich, you don't want one."


Hey guys, I have a new story. · 10:34pm Jan 10th, 2015

It's about weed and stuff. You should totally read it and stuff. Or don't. Whatever floats your bong, man.

Report Inspectah Dash · 540 views ·

My Stories (Read at your own risk)

Miscellaneous Bullshit.

Comments ( 124 )
  • Viewing 120 - 124 of 124

"Often when you want a sandwich, you don't have one. Often when you have a sandwich, you don't want one."
Speak for yourself.

I come asking for something. Also I followed you

I hope that you had a good Veteran's Day. Thank you for your service, and know that you and your compatriots are in my thoughts and prayers.

Salutations, Mr. Inspectah Dash:moustache:

  • Viewing 120 - 124 of 124
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