• Member Since 25th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 9th, 2016

Mr Ignorable

What is this "Chill" you speak of.


The return · 8:41pm Jan 25th, 2016

*guts over fear starts playing*

Yo motherfuckers! I'm back! I'm trying to get back into this whole "screaming at people about how bad their story is so I can finally get off" "reviewer" thing so I need some truly terrible stories. Stories that make you scream internally all the way through. Stories that even die-hard Shitlords won't go for. I know their era has come and gone, but they still remain.

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Report Mr Ignorable · 579 views ·

"Iggy reviews"

Just so we're clear, this is what happens when you suck at writing, and decide to write anyways without bothering to improve yourself.

Spoiler alert; I happen. I always happen.

The Season Bringer

(Deleted) Dawn of Targia


The Long lost Princess of the Wind

The Clousdale Chronicles: The Tale of King Lightning Crack


My Equestrian Travels

Fluttershy has a problem

The Darkness falls

Cupcakes 1.5

Aurum's Tears: A tale of adventure

The Hunger manes

My Little AJ(deleted)


Mysquestria: Origins

Air Superiority

Of Dragons and Mortals

(will add when reviews become available)

Fimfiction Achievement Box

“What Is This Place, Filled With So Many Wonders?
For discovering Fimfiction and creating an account. Welcome to the site!
It's Vintage!
For writing a story using Rarity as a character.

For reading a story with the "Gore" tag.

Join the Herd
For joining a group. Welcome to The FIMFiction Achievement Brigade!

Comments ( 138 )
  • Viewing 134 - 138 of 138

Miss you.

You were the Softon of the group.

Oh, no, don’t tell me he’s gone! I remember seeing his comment on my first story all the way back in 2013! Man, how time flies.

We miss you, Iggy.

We miss you.

Heres a pile of garbage I found. Fresh and ripe for the roasting https://www.fimfiction.net/story/233371/the-epic-adventure-of-black-night

Just want to say I love your name and picture.


  • Viewing 134 - 138 of 138
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