Social StandardsBraeburn is distraught when he discovers feelings for Soarin he doesn't think he should RadaVonVon
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Raindrops Keep FallingRaindrops goes on a sightseeing cruise and gets lost in a storm with its captain, Salty Kaipony
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Dance 'Til We're HighTwilight looks for love at the Winter's Eve Ball. What she finds is like nothing she PresentPerfect
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Somewhere Only We KnowEvery night, in a little stable just outside of town, an old mare lays down to sleep. Every night she has the same dream of rainbows and open PatchworkPoltergeist
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Starry-EyedAn adult Sweetie Belle lets her manager set her up on a blind date... with an old friend!by TwinkieSpy
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AnthropologyLyra is determined to find out the truth behind the mysterious legends of JasonTheHuman
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Deus Ex: Equine RevolutionTwenty years after Luna's return, Equestria advances with augmentation technology and burns with civil unrest. And in the shadows, a hidden conspiracy carefully pulls the world to their own Melon Hunter
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SynchronicityTwilight and Rainbow explore an abandoned mansion and find themselves in the middle of a ghost A Hoof-ful of Dust
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✿if you must read clop✿
Lady On The Streets / Freak Between The Sheets. After a disappointing date with Fancy Pants, Rarity finds herself longing for a rough, physical encounter. Hot and bothered, she sets off to find somepony who can fulfill her every desire. Will she succeed? A lady doesn’t kiss and tell;) Rby ShotgunNeko
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Twilight knows something's up when Pinkie asks her for help with writing. But what harm could it do? Writing always was one of her favourite subjects...
613320 More Than Her Mane was a splendid story, and I just started reading Tending the Flocks, and it's pretty good so far. I like to follow good authors!
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More Than Her Mane was a splendid story, and I just started reading Tending the Flocks, and it's pretty good so far. I like to follow good authors!
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