Bad News, Guys · 11:11pm Mar 25th, 2013
I'm going to have to call a hiatus from writing here =/
For the past couple weeks, I haven't written a single thing -- I think I'm kind of burnt out. I haven't really read much, either, and I could easily blame the new season of Transormers: Prime for this, but I was already losing steam before I started roboting.
Hi! I just saw this comment (I know; I know, a bit late, right? I fell away from this fandom quite some time ago!) and I'm flattered that you enjoyed my take on Gusty.
She's not entirely an OC -- Gusty is a G1 unicorn that I've taken a shine to and kind of made my own. The G1 unicorns seemed capable of only one type of magic (Gusty made wind, Fizzy blew bubbles, etc) and I found myself kind of intrigued by that and decided to play about with it in the FiM world, where unicorns seem to universally have a wide variety of magical abilities.
In any case, thanks again for your comments! I do come back from time to time and reread my stories and I do someday hope to find the inspiration to finish both "We're Gonna Get There Soon" and "All Is Calm".
At this point, it seems like you're not coming back, which is a shame for us. I love your writing so much. Your character portraits are empathetic and heartbreaking. I enjoyed your Derpy/Thunderlane stories a long time ago, but I just discovered your take on Gusty, one of the most intriguing (sort of) OCs I've ever found on this site. All Is Calm is one of a handful of incomplete stories I really hope will return someday.
How have you been, as of late?
How are you doing? Always love to put this on someone's page, just to see if they respond, I like to let them know people care.
Hello there :). How do your writing fare?