A horror story · 1:24pm Sep 3rd, 2013
*BEEP BEEP BEEP* the microwave sang it's tunes to me as i opened it's doors and got my food. i had just gotten a plate out to deal with this food and was unloading the food onto the plate when i heard it
Hey everypony, im Navy Shadow. Also known as Azura
*BEEP BEEP BEEP* the microwave sang it's tunes to me as i opened it's doors and got my food. i had just gotten a plate out to deal with this food and was unloading the food onto the plate when i heard it
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you're still a cunt
you're a cunt
Hey you, yes you.
Now then, I want to wish, from me to you a:
And hope you have a good one. (hugs >w<)
And remember:
204621 it would appear a lot more people than just him are watching you... good luck.