Collab Chapter for Sunset's Isekai 2: Electric Boogaloo · 3:04am Last Wednesday
While my Hunts the Undead universe is a completed story (he said, then looked into the camera), making collab chapters have been great fun. Wanderer D and I have made our second crossover with Sunset's Isekai. This one is a lot more indulgent, with less maternal angst and more multiversal shenanigans as Celestia brings Sunset to the bar for her 21st birthday. But Sunset and Isekai make sure they're not the only ones having fun: surely in the safest, friendliest place in the multiverse, even the
"Love is a verb, not a noun", combined with your profile pic, it's too perfect. I love the message, and how serious you seem to be about it.
Nice to meet you! Thanks for your support!
"It's not an emotion! Love is a promise."
Happy to see people who know what's what in the world
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