Hopeful 90 members · 228 stories

This group exists because I keep wishing fimfiction had a "Hopeful" tag.
Stories that are about any of these qualify:

- a pony with a problem who doesn't completely solve that problem, but finds a way to deal with not solving the problem

- a pony with a problem who doesn't completely solve that problem, but finds a reason to keeps trying

- a pony who solves a problem, and looks ahead to a future where even better things happen as a result

"Hopeful" means that at the end of the story, the main characters have hope, which is either hope that something good will happen in the future, or some inner strength which keeps them going in the present despite not solving their problems. A happy ending is not a hopeful ending. Hope exists, by definition, only in the absence of complete happiness. Nearly all stories have parts where the main character hopes for something better. That isn't enough to qualify.

Basically, if the main problem that the characters worry about during the story is solved at the end so that it isn't a problem for them anymore, the story shouldn't go here.

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