• Member Since 25th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


WELCOME WELCOME EVERYONE! My name is ForNeverMore and this is my humble abode! (I am more comfortable that you all call me Nevermore.)

The Hollow Elements


The Damaged Element SUMMER UPDATE · 6:03am June 11th

TADAAAAA!!! New story! not yet released though, it's still in development hell.
it's called A Conversation With A Primordial God. yeah I know, it's a bit on the nose, but at least it's to the point. my other one has now been retitled to THE PRIMORDIALS so that fits into this one. That one as well is in development hell.
how it all fits into my muli-story series, I do not know. I'm just riding along as it goes.

Comments ( 76 )
  • Viewing 57 - 76 of 76

Your work on the TFP crossover kinda reminds me of that other crossover fanfic in EQG with the Shadowbolts. Can't remember the name though.

Thanks for the watch. Really appreciate it. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for adding another of my stories to you bookshelves. I hope you enjoy it. :raritywink:

Thanks for the watch :twilightsmile:

3346156 Sounds good then. If you've got questions for that feel free to DM me. Whenever that may be. Best of luck,

Brony on!

just in passing reference. My main goal is to create a sort of MARVEL What If-inspired series.

3346145 I've got no issue with that. But what does that mean? Are you bringing in character to meet with one another? Or is it in passing reference?

if it's alright with you, I'm gonna take this universe for this multi-story project I'm working on. (if you want in, the multi-title is called The Damaged Element.)

Thanks for following Man of War! Feel free to comment and be sure to check out my blogs. Also, be sure to check out the Man of War Group for more!

Brony on!

Thanks for the watch!

Thanks for the watch and fave.

Thanks for the follow

Thanks a ton for the fav on my Godzilla vs Kong crossover! Hope you enjoy! :twilightsmile:

Thanks for adding my story to your bookshelf. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for the watch.

Thanks a lot for adding my story to your bookshelf

Thanks again!

Thank you very much for adding "Ocean Blues" to your all time favourites! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for faving A Shimmering New Year!

  • Viewing 57 - 76 of 76
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