• Member Since 18th Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen Sep 23rd, 2023


Feel free to ask for feedback everyone! Also Luna, Sunset , Vinyl and Flutter shy are the best.

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good news · 10:44pm Dec 3rd, 2018

I just finished the plot for the new story, gonna start actually writing the story now, It will be slow progress but I'll keep you updated

Report Witchrblizzad · 285 views ·
Comments ( 103 )
  • Viewing 99 - 103 of 103

Thanks for the fave on Magister of the Deep

Thanks for the fave on Anon-a-Miss Remastered.

Thank you for the bookshelf adds.

I've rewritten Anon-a-Miss: A Wrinkle in Time.

Go to my stories and you'll see Anon-a-Miss: A Wrinkle in Time (Rewrite).

Read it and give an honest opinion; what's good? What's bad? Give me some suggestions.

  • Viewing 99 - 103 of 103
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