• Member Since 18th Aug, 2017
  • offline last seen Sep 23rd, 2023


Feel free to ask for feedback everyone! Also Luna, Sunset , Vinyl and Flutter shy are the best.

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Found 6 stories in 14ms

Total Words: 23,158
Estimated Reading: 1 hour


Anon-A-Miss, tears the school apart. We see what happened to Sunset and the one she loves. Will she give up? That remains to be seen.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Before the Sun sets II

When Lyra and Sweetie Drops relationship is made known, they get help from an unexpected person.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Before the Sun sets I

Rainbow Dash is mad at Sunset but, when she goes to confront her... Rainbow learns that not everything is as it seems. Applejack also gets some unexpected help.

Chapters (1)

A shove, pushing, thrown projectiles and hateful words. All seem to be having a field day with CHS. For the last week, this is all Sunset Shimmer has known. Ever since this Anon-a-miss had started her life had been hell. It had gotten to the point where some days she didn't even get through the day.  

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy was in the library looking for references for a paper when she saw an out of place notebook shoved into the back. She opened it and as she read her heart grew heavier with fear. In this notebook, she finds the words of a former bully. Prequel to Sunsets on Sonata.

Chapters (1)

It's been three weeks since the battle of the bands, they didn't have the money for anything and now? Audigo and Aria have disappeared, leaving Sonata alone. It's up to someone with her own demons and a DJ to save the youngest siren from herself, but can she make in time? Or will she be too late? (Oc's in this story are not part of the main cast, though some will have important roles later in the story. They are mine but, anyone can use them so long as they ask first)

Chapters (11)