• Member Since 15th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen July 3rd


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2135951 Animal Crackers Story? Do you mean "Morality and Baked Goods"?
Pinkie was not out of character in that story. She was terrified. She was trying to convince herself that she had not accidentally eaten a sentient creature alive. She was trying to rationalize this in a very Pinkie Pie way- That if the cookies she had already eaten were not alive, neither was this other one, and if this cookie was not alive, then she could eat it, and therefore, by eating this cookie, she would prove that the others had not been alive.
It is flawed logic, and a serious logical fallacy, but under the stress and circumstances, it makes about the same level of sense as replacing all her friends with inanimate objects.

Dude what do you have againist pinkie? That animal crackers story was OOC

"Return of the Doctor's Daughter" update?:rainbowhuh:

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