• Member Since 21st Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen Sep 10th, 2021

Beta Bookworm

My name is Beta Bookworm! My full bio is on my user page!

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Me · 10:24am Jul 6th, 2015

(A picture of me!)My name is Beta Bookwyrm. I am a part bat-pony part unicorn mare. My cutiemark represents my passion for videogames and reading I hope to be a librarian or teacher some day, I always wear my glasses and watch and I almost always wear my main in a braid! I hope to pick up writing as a hobby someday. I live in a 2-story house near a lake with a cherry blossom tree in my front yard, hope we can be friends someday! Bye!

Report Beta Bookworm · 425 views ·
Comments ( 97 )
  • Viewing 93 - 97 of 97

2097122 You're welcome! And thanks for the follow!

Sorry for the late response, but thank you for adding My Little Pony : The Land Before Time to your Re-Reading Group.

Thanks for the watch!

Thanks for the fav!

Thank you for adding Death is Optional to your Favourites, my friend! :yay:

  • Viewing 93 - 97 of 97
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