• Member Since 14th Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen November 6th


I am aspiring author who enjoys writing various works of fantasy in which have a cutesy touch


Blind Benefits -- Don't Need Surgery! · 8:03pm Jun 6th, 2017


I didn't want to post anything until after I officially heard about what had been making my right eye all yucky for the past two months. Turns out it was, yet another, tube exposure!

Historically an exposed tube would mean I'd need surgery coupled with over a week of recovery along with additional medications to aid in the healing process. However, as I have no sight to save, this was far from what happened.

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Comments ( 35 )
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Have you checked out my second story prompt yet

Would you be willing to possibly take a request?

Heya! Sweetie's Little Accident is back with a brand new chapter! :pinkiesmile: I thought you would like to know that! :pinkiehappy:

Hope you're doing well!

Hey there, I just wanted to say that while diapers aren't my thing, I admire your courage in writing those stories. It takes a certain amount of bravery to post them as well. =) Keep on writing, and don't let the pointless ("Pointless" meaning done so on principal simply because they don't agree with the subject matter) downvotes deter you!


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