• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Mar 10th, 2013

Pegacorn Ondacob

Just a humble pony writing stories. https://twitter.com/#!/Fluttermommy


Choose Your Own Pattycakes · 12:19pm Mar 7th, 2013

Choose Your Own Pattycakes is finally out. Now on to Pattycakes 3. Yes, I am working on that too. As per the new rules the new story is rated "Mature" even even though Pattycakes stories don't have sex or gore. I'm not complaining. I don't have to update my old stories so it's all good. I hope you enjoy Choose Your Own Pattycakes. Look forward to Pattycakes 3 sometime in the future.

-Pegacorn Ondacob

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Comments ( 28 )
  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28

Well, looks like Pegacorn's just straight up dead. rip Pattycakes 3. We hardly knew you.

You may not be featured in "Rainbow Dash Presents", but I'm putingt in a word to RealityCheck for "Fanfic is Crapsack".

Let's try to not push him too hard.
He has a life that is more important than fanfiction.
Be patient.

When's the next fic

He recently said on his twitter that he still intends to finish Pattycakes 3, but he's just busy with other things.

  • Viewing 24 - 28 of 28
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