• Member Since 26th Apr, 2016
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Foal Star

Just a Brony who writes fun Fanfiction


Thoughts on Hard to Say Anything · 12:01am July 13th

This episode was rather fun, and it was the first episode since season five, in which Big Macintosh was the main character. This is basiclly a love triangle, with Sugar Belle, the baker from Starlight's village who was forced to make tasteless, bland muffins, now experimenting with her pastry making with Big Macintosh having a crush on her is constantly making trips to see her and giving her a boatload of apples to boot. This leads to the CMC tagging along and trying to help Big Macintosh "get

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<sees pic>

Trollestia Cupid be like

Someone kept spamming my comment section and I told them if they want to talk to use the DMs

...all these comments that got deleted

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