The Canon Safe 63 members · 104 stories

Welcome to the Canon Safe!!! This is the sister group of the Brony Archive, but with one major difference:

Only Canon stories may exist here, to preserve the integrity of MLP FIM, for generations to come!

Only stories about ideas that could and have happened in the show are accepted.

If you want to post other stories, than look no further than The Brony archive

This is a diehard group so if you join, you have to be able to be online at least once a week. Period

Other than that, enjoy your stay!!! :twilightsmile:

EDIT *13/09: Sunset Shimmer and Equestria Girl stories are to be considered Canon and are allowed in this group
EDIT*13/09: Anon-A-Miss stories may be considered Canon
EDIT*14/09: Legacy stories may be accepted also

Anymore ideas and guidelines you can think up, post em!!!

Comments ( 6 )
  • Viewing 1 - 6 of 6

That's a really good idea.

Are OCs allowed, if they could concievably exist in Equestria?

412239 "Canon" means that it closely follows and/or builds on existing episodes, comics, etc. Therefore, this group accepts only stories that are faithful to the show's own line of events.

This is a diehard group so if you join, you have to be able to be online at least once a week. Period

First, I think it should be "This is a diehard group, so if you join, you have to be able to be online at least once a week, period."
Second, is that applicable to the other group? This is the place for storing canon stories, though I don't understand what that means, but the first is dedicated to preserving things, and I feel like it shouldn't be applicable for the other group.

No thumbnail yet, but I made a temporary banner.

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