For Those Who Enjoy My Writing · 9:09am Feb 19th, 2019
... I do have some other things I've written over on my pastebin that I haven't published here. All RGRE-Lite stuff that I wrote for the 4chan thread on various whims, and not finished, but I figured some of you might like them for a way to whittle away some time.
Any that I do finish, I plan on putting on here, but until then, if you like one, and have thoughts you want to share or ideas you think could improve them, I'm always happy to hear them.
Are you still alive?
Here, I'll report this bot nonsense for you.
The man has returned. Maybe we'll see the return of Floored.
Just gonna comment here for those wondering. The author is alive and well, even after 3 years of hiatus. Their recent story, An Unconventional Ally, is pretty great.
May you kindly f*ck off this site? Thank you.