• Member Since 30th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday

stardust flare

my shitty works nopony reads


Comments ( 72 )
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Thank you for the favorite.

Thanks for the fav :rainbowkiss:

Ty for the fave :derpytongue2:

Thanks for adding Spring Has Sprung to your favorites. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for adding CoEC to your favorites. :pinkiehappy:

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awsome vids from the ponynet (not always MLP related)

read the damn title guys


WOOT i mean wut (rebirth infoz.) · 10:56pm Jul 12th, 2014

Well guys i might be sorta back i have made good progress on chapter 3. I am trying to keep the story alive but dammit having a decent gaming PC now and internetz access is oh so distracting! xD but right now it will break my first and second chapter word counts but hopefully 1k minimal. so thats good sorta. lots o talking cause spoilers pinkie is involved so well talking is a given right ;) also flashbacks! but hopefully this will be the last major one for awhile and we can start pressing

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