Holiday! Woo! · 3:53pm Dec 22nd, 2013
I will be away and most probably out of contact, on an overseas holiday until the beginning of March next year (2014).
See you soon!
"There are only two hard problems in Computer Science: cache invalidation, proper naming and off-by-one errors."
Rites of Ascension by CvBrony
My Two Most Faithful Students by Flaeirye
Pre-reading:The Science of Magic by cammerhammer
Ends Meet by CynicalJourney to my Imagination by DeiStar
Glim by Smayds
I will be away and most probably out of contact, on an overseas holiday until the beginning of March next year (2014).
See you soon!
The Sunset Trilogy (completed, uploaded one-chapter-per-day to fimfiction)
In no particular order!
Twilight Sky over Canterlot by TwilightFlopple
Sharing the Night by Cast-Iron Caryatid
Mirror's Image by Evilpresident
The Science of Magic by cammerhammer
True Colors by Echoes of a Dream
Her Mother's Daughter by Nadake
My Choices: Twisted Tales Through Time by koolerkid
The Mystic and The Mundane by Equus Pallidus
The Moonstone Cup by Cyanide
First Pony View by Suomibrony
Bitter-Sweetie by InquisitorM
Upheaval: Breaking Point and it's sequel by Visiden Visidane
A Twilight Princess by Mekon
The Empty Room by Wanderer D
Sunset and it's sequel For Want of a Dawn by Ciroton
Spark by AVeryStrange
This section is for the stories which are considered abandoned. May they rest in peace.
Equestria's Twilight by Sapidus3
Nightmares Don't Last Forever by BB
I see you.
In my understanding, the monthly group update is meant for actually-active, non-dead groups...
Did you ever tell Wanderer D that your group exists? He'll put it in the monthly group update if you do.