• Member Since 30th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 1st, 2013


Comments ( 494 )
  • Viewing 490 - 494 of 494

Hello, sweetie. I hope you're having a good day.

Hello Fluttershy, I was wonder....if u want to check my profile, I am making my own story the first time but my skills r rusty a bit....that is if u want?

Omg! Fluttershy!? *holds my mouth* oh my, sorry 'bout that. Hope I didn't frighten you. You are just, well......Awesome!!

The beast moves unseen thorough the minds of his victims.

Well I was sent by the jokester... So ask him :pinkiecrazy:

  • Viewing 490 - 494 of 494
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I Won? · 8:40pm Sep 1st, 2013

O-Oh my...I won the f-f-fan favorite poll? Thank you everypony who voted for me, and for those who didn't, it's okay. I-I understand; my friends are amazing. It's an h-honor. Thank you.

Report -Fluttershy- · 433 views ·