• Member Since 10th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 6th, 2016


cheers to the misfit

open editing

Hello anyone who happens to stumble across this thing!
I am currently open for editing stories, so if you are in need for a pre-reader, I'm your dude!
PM me for more information and possibly negotiations
Experience in writing/speaking--------------
-Editor and chief of my school's newspaper
-high school debater
-won several speech contests in my area
Things I specialize in---------------
-character development
-vividness of stories
- plot related problems
-general content editing

I tend to look for the problems with the stories themselves instead of grammatical errors. But I can still point out a few spelling and word usage errors. As a lover of the English language, and its implication to stories, having correct strength of vocabulary goes hand and hand with progress of the narrative.

who is stal?

hey i'm just a dude who prefers background people with some recognition like me. i got to bronydom in september 2010 when my older brother showed me mlp.
General stats
- fav pony: luna
- videogamer
- is really cool
-height 5"8
-fav color- crimson red


i am ready · 6:49am Dec 19th, 2014

After a couple years of the brony fandom (including tumblr, YouTube, and of course fimfiction) I feel that I am ready to take up my red pen and color all papers red. With my plan of Majoring in English, I can get in some good editing practice on this site. So if any of you are interested, give me a PM, and I can read things and make sure that said things are correct.

Report Stalwartheart14 · 352 views ·
Comments ( 19 )
  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19

Thanks for adding "Waiting for Sunset". Glad you liked it! :scootangel:

Thank you for the follow! :twilightsmile:

Hey, thanks for adding Outta My Mind to your favorites! :rainbowkiss:

Nope. Gonna downvote everything. :rainbowkiss:

1402719 by all means, waste your time on a person who does a whole lot more things than go to this site and comment.
I still stand by my belief that it is physically impossible for a changeling to mimic a human being.
Now please leave my page, I have better things to do
If you do not cease, I can report and block for harassment

  • Viewing 15 - 19 of 19
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