• Member Since 23rd Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 9th, 2016



I'm so sorry. · 11:45pm Mar 28th, 2016

Wow, I honestly never thought I'd come back here and definitely not for the reason I am now. I've got a lot of explaining to do, if people even still check in on me. By the way, for those people who did keep poking in, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I mistreated all of you lovely people who supported my first and only foray into the world of public writing dearly and no amount of apologies from my end could justify it, but I can at least tell you what I've been doing. I put Zer0 H0ur on

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Comments ( 108 )
  • Viewing 104 - 108 of 108

No please conti ue this story iz good

i think he's dead. shame, his only story will be on hiatus forever.

521329 I'd say he's dead now. For how long he wouldn't log on this site at all? Simply log on, not to say write SOMETHING...

see you, space cowboy

  • Viewing 104 - 108 of 108
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Plans for the Future

1.) Keep writing Zer0 H0ur, obviously.
2.) Consider a new fiction about Corvo from Dishonored once played through. Fun.
3.) Hecarim. Yes.