• Member Since 26th Jan, 2012
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The Blackcuno


Question · 1:56pm Sep 11th, 2015

Been a while since I have graced the FIM with a blog but I will be blunt.

I have a stories that are either complete or very close to being, along with chapters of the hiatus - 5 months Story- most of these were written at least 6-10 months ago so I can't guarantee the quality. do people want to read them or not? most are crossovers though or an attempt at them.

let me know and i will action accordingly.

I think i have 2 complete ones

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Comments ( 7 )
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Please tell me that you will eventually continue "Five months of Chaos" soon?? :raritycry:
I nearly doubled over laughing the first time I read it, please at least consider continuing that wonderfully hilarious story. :fluttercry:

Glad you're enjoying The Bridle Path. I'm currently working on the epilogue.

1130207 I have the drafts ready, just been busy a fair amount with IRL and am trying for the finishing of it soon as well as making it suitable for reading.

Are you still trying to figure out how to continue 'Family Ties'? It's been on hiatus for over a year.

Site Blogger

Hey, thank you for faving PONY Legacy! I hope you continue to enjoy it.

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