• Member Since 19th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


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From the brim to the dregs, it pours sweet and clear... · 8:31am July 11th

Many years ago, back in the 1980s, one of my first jobs was that of a weekend/evening security guard at the courthouse in our provincial capital. It was a quiet job, usually broken only by letting law students in and out of the law library and the hourly patrol route around the building. During those long boring hours, I started writing out a story in longhand about a mermaid seeking revenge for her people, and it was then that I made the promise to myself that one day I would write lots of

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Comments ( 57 )
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No worries, took me long enough :twilightsheepish:

Thanks for the follow! :yay:

Nope. I should have used a better word than "Farewell". I am leaving the world of Brightly Lit though. That is, unless I choose to try to make it a non-pony story and publish it as an actual piece of literature. My current plan is to finish How Twilight Learned, and then assess if I want to try my hand at actual commercial fiction or not. Until then. Y'all are stuck with me :pinkiehappy:

just read the last chapter of brightly lit......are u leaving fimfiction?

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