• Member Since 9th Feb, 2017
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I am a self proclaimed horror and dark fantasy fic writer. You want darkness, death, and despair? You've come to the right place. Also an eternal Twilight Sparkle and avid Lovecraft fan.

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Ladies and gentlemen... it's finally back. · 7:50pm January 3rd

The preparations are complete and the years long hiatus has been lifted. It's finally time to put The Masks We Wear back into the story rotation. I resolved to start this story up again for the new year and that's exactly what I aim to do starting with this new chapter.

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Report the7Saviors · 416 views · Story: The Masks We Wear ·
Comments ( 150 )
  • Viewing 146 - 150 of 150

Hope everything is going well!

Sadly no. I've thought about it thought about. Maybe one day. For now if I do make any stories for other Fandom it'll be as part of a crossover or an adaption of this Fandom right here.

Do you write stories for other fandoms? And if so, where can I find them?

Appreciate it! Though The Mind Enchanted was more my experimental step in the direction of psychological horror rather than cosmic horror. Still, glad you enjoyed it.

Heya! I started with Those Left Behind and absolutely loved it. Looking forward to reading the sequel but I don't read incomplete fics. I've seen too many abandoned over the years, not that I expect that from you, you seem very dedicated to your craft. I've been reading your other stories while I wait. The Mind Enchanted was an excellent lovecraftian novella, and Life is Magic was incredible. Looking forward to reading more!

  • Viewing 146 - 150 of 150
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