• Member Since 10th Jan, 2016
  • offline last seen 22 minutes ago


I am new to writing, I like to play games. The 'lives' we 'live' are short and abruptly end. And I intend to fill it with worthy things.


Militaries in Equestria · 3:40pm Apr 25th, 2017

I've Created a Sort of Filler for the "Military in Equestria" Group that Vanished a While Back... I'm willing to take some advice/help for me to make the group a better place since this is my first time opening one.


Dream Writing · 1:51pm May 4th, 2018


___This is a over detailed writing of the dream I had last month. This dream is about werewolves and as with dreams time and movements like to jerk around a bit. Scenes and Descriptions may or may not have occured within the dream. Enjoy!


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Comments ( 141 )
  • Viewing 122 - 141 of 141

My name is Wrex. What's your?

I'm gonna be different here and say thanks for the unfollow.

Woot got another favorite on the same day I published an update to the Fallout Story! Yays!

Well I'm sorry I'm rebel scum but you are welcome.

The Galactic Empire... and thanks.

Thank you for the favorite on Luna Wakes up to Marehood. I hope you really enjoy and if you do drop an upvote, a downvote if you don't, and if you leave your thoughts in the comments; I'll reply.

If you're interested in other stuff by me, check out Bone Daddy, as it is in the same vein. Through it is also under rewrites and expect to see those soon.

Maybe come out and hang out on discord if you want.

Thank you again,

What type of Admiral did you base your name off of? Star Wars? Loyalist or Rebel?

Thanks for adding Dino Saurian Rex as favorites:twilightsmile:

Thanks for following me

Thank you for the follow! If you have any questions or advice on Deteriorated let me know and ill try to clarify or make it better.

Thanks for the follow.

Thanks for the watch.

Thank you for the favorite on "The Great Dictator: Times of Siwft Rise". What was your favorite part?

Thanks for the follow man.

Thanks for following! Stay tuned for the next story in the series, and perhaps a side project or two!

Hey, thanks for the follow! I take it you really liked what you've read of my stuff?

Thanks so much for the fave on The Conversion Bureau Earthgate Saga: Prisoner of War! I'm glad yo9u like what's up so far! But, if I may ask, why did you choose to fave it? Such valuable feedback could help me to finally finish that part up so I can move on to another part of the saga.

  • Viewing 122 - 141 of 141
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