• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 25th, 2016


Guy who loves reading and dragons."Just Another Average Tuesday" is my first attempt at writing any kind of story, so feedback is appreciated. Also loves video games.

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So, uh... hi? · 7:07am Dec 17th, 2013

Oh, don't give me that look. Do you really think I understand myself why I just kept on ignoring everyone? I mean, that's what I did, let's not pretend otherwise. I was on the site, I read stories, I freaking READ the comments you people graciously took the time to send me, and then I just blow you off. And not particularly in a nice way.

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Report Flamesinger599 · 1,711 views · Story: Just Another Average Tuesday ·
Comments ( 130 )
  • Viewing 126 - 130 of 130

I hope you come back soon and be able to write better chapters of JAAT peace i am out

If you want to do it for yourself talk to others, us, them but get the inspiration from yourself. You want to write work and be appreciated for what you have created but we write because we appreciate you and are inspired by your work we love what you did for us and we miss that very much. I might even write a story to tell you how awesome you are and what I would give for another chapter.

Oh:fluttershysad: ok :fluttercry: no more JAAT

  • Viewing 126 - 130 of 130
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