• Member Since 14th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 5th, 2016


Products of Random Keyboard Smahing (P.O.R.K.S)


Sorry about the story · 5:20am Jul 23rd, 2013

Total rework of the chapters, the story is tighter, more coherent, and I would like to apologize to the people who read it before this update. I reread all of it and saw so many obvious mistakes, really shoddy work, again really sorry about it, I won't let it happen again.

Report tatony · 542 views ·

Should we go smoke and watch ponies?

Got the munchies?

Comments ( 7 )
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cdn.broni.es/images/emotes/mlp-dehappy.png : You're the 500th pony I've watched and I'm your 220th 221st watcher!

Wow, you type fast.

Could you make a sequel to Pinkie Pie meets the Pyro?

:twilightangry: DELL! is good. :pinkiehappy:

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