• Member Since 30th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Sep 10th, 2016

ezio dementay

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i'm back, screw college and all it loves! · 6:44pm Sep 7th, 2016

hello anyone who still actually follows me anymore or thinks i exsist or was alive but finally college is done which was 6 months of pure nightmare enducing, wanting to find a way to god damn drop out without seeming like i've given up while also debating on life, death dreams and hope like god damn bucking kefka, i am alive!

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Report ezio dementay · 401 views · Story: Ponies and Mons ·
Comments ( 103 )
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When is the sequel to your 'Ponies and Mons' fic?

1624764 I'd like to see a sequel to the Pokemon story you wrote

1624764 That's good, I am sure this will please all your readers and followers. It sucks when the writer gives up on his, or her story.

So once your new Editor get involved, the story will be back on track? sounds promising.

Always plan ahead. When your story gets behind, it is even more convenient, if you have more worked out.

At least it is your friend. Sounds like a good start.

Yeah, never force the hand. If you force yourself on anyhting, or anyone, you are sure to have a bad back-lash coming your way.

Just that I gave up on the Pen and Pencile, these merely gives me a second stage in the writing, since I will still have to make the story flow into the PC onto the document, before I can publish it. I have precious little time to write my stories as it is.

1624687 i still want to finsh this story in one way or another, some way or somehow i'll figure out a way, the best way i could do so would be to get a new editor, and i have planned the story out in advance, i'll just go over it with a friend of mine, maybe he'll write it, it depends if he's busy or such.

and hay, only write what you wanna write, don't force your hand to the pen if your hand only wants to use a pencil.

1624665 Wait, an Editor, I guess I could see how that is a Problem.

Maybe you could try to find a new Editorial Assistant, for the time beeing? if your assistant can pull the story to a leven where you can feel proud to publish it, or it stay where it is.

Although, I would recomend you keep writing the story a few chapters ahead, just to keep the story going.

From what Irecall, there are a few issues, but these depends on where your story is intended to go.
You have an idea as to where the story is going From cover to cover?

From what I see, it may be an idea to have more of the resent time of the story before the Flashback in her past with her Father and Love.
I still would love to see more of what happens to both these characters, aside from her Mother, of course. Since you brought them up, they need to be in the story more.

Personally, I have more or less been forced to stand on my own, since I never really had an Editor to rely on, as much as I may wish I had had one.

From what I see, you have been here for quite a while, much longer than me.
I can't tell you how many stories you are supposed to put out, that is between you and your Muse. if she feels the urge to make you write and publish a story, she will do so, or you will not write any story. Why bother writing an uninspired story, there is no spirit in it, just a mechanical arangement.

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