• Member Since 31st Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 27th, 2019


The mack-daddy of Canterlot, bitch.


fleetwood eldorado deville seville calais brougham is dead and i killed him · 1:55am Apr 27th, 2019

fleetwood eldorado deville seville calais brougham is dead and i killed him

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Main Oc: Fleetwood Brougham

Name: Fleetwood Eldorado Brougham
Race: Alicorn (Formerly Pegasus)
Born: Ponyville, 1974
Residence: Brougham Cajun Mansion, Everfree Forest
Personality: Means well, sometimes can be arrogant, jealousy brought on easily.
Occupation: Former car salesman, Ponyville Cadillac-Buick-Chevrolet, now chauffeur to Princess Luna
Cutie Mark: Landau Iron

Character in Story: Eldorado Brougham

Name: Eldorado Vanderbilt Brougham
Race: Pegasus
Born: Canterlot, 1888
Residence: 1011, Allen Avenue, Ponyville
Personality: Hotheaded, sometimes abusive.
Occupation: Car Salesman, Ponyville Cadillac-Buick-Chevrolet
Cutie Mark: Laurels

Ancestor of Fleetwood's: Deville Brougham

Name: Deville Walker Brougham
Race: Pegasus
Born: Canterlot, 1820
Died: 1976
Former Residence: Brougham Cajun Mansion, Everfree Forest
Personality: Ambitious, sometimes comedic
Former Occupation: Chairman, Central Equestrian Railway Company
Cutie Mark: Railroad Spike

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