• Member Since 12th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Jul 4th, 2013


I'm a writer with a deep love for stories of all genres, particularly those tales with no need to conform to one standard.

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Well... Here We Go Again! · 4:02pm Apr 8th, 2013

Hello all you PVS! fans out there,

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Report ArdanBlade · 480 views ·
Comments ( 13 )
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Unfortunately, life has kept me more than busy. I keep trying to start up, but things get in the way.

As for the next episode, it is one-third written. In the meantime, one of our contributors has begun writing a Spinoff Show! I've yet to read it myself, but perhaps when I get some time.

140131 Aye, you do what you need to do. When the show comes back up, River would love a job there! and also give Derpy this.
*Pulls out a Golden Muffin*
This is the Muffin Medal. Made only for the Muffin Queen.

Welcome to Love and Tolerate.

Writer: "Sadly, I've been feeling a bit disconnected with the fandom right at the moment. Perhaps when Season 3 hits and I get inspired again." :twilightsheepish:

When will we get more of the show?!:flutterrage:

  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13
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