• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen July 11th

Lone Wolf

I speak English and Spanish. Hablo Español. Anyway I'm a Mexican who born in the US,specifically in the state of California.

Comments ( 25 )
  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25

1293841 Lovely darling, lovely! It goes perfectly with your... Uh... Mane! That's it! Mane!

1293810 -Uh... of course! I still have some of that from my sixties phase... One sec... Ah, here it is! And take this shirt to go with it! I'm sure you'll look just fabulous! Now, I have to be off! I promised Pinkie I would make her a new pink dress! *trots out door* Wait a minute.... PINKIE!!! YOU HAVE A DOPPLEGÄNGER!!!

I think I'll go with whatever you have that's ty-dye

  • Viewing 21 - 25 of 25
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