• Member Since 5th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 4th, 2022


We live, we love, we die. Hopefully in that time I can leave something of value, so tonight I type away at my keyboard to clear my head of these stories. I hope you enjoy.


I'm Back Baby · 3:22am May 18th, 2014

Hello everypony that even cares to read my blog posts... I really have no idea how many would. Anyways, I have just gotten back from "my extended leave" and I can finally begin working once again on my stories. While I was away I had far too much time to think and not actually do something, but luckily for any of you out there that actually enjoy my writings I will be able to pass on these seemingly pointless ruminations. I have decided after a lot of thought to cease writing on anything other

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Report Dyon · 644 views · Story: Humans in Equestria ·

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Press F to pay respect...

I know it is a bit late, but. Thank you very much for your storys. ^^

your picture though <3

I'm guessing you have abandoned your stories.

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