• Member Since 26th May, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 25th, 2023



Ffffffffffffffffffff- · 3:21pm Oct 8th, 2014

Alright, so, as I'm sure you've all noticed... Fimfic got a makeover. In my opinion, its a makeover from hell. Seriously, what the hell guys? Who's bright idea was it to set things up so that you had to mark your favorites for tracking to see update notifications? The only part of this I've seen so far that I like is the expanded analytic tools for stories. Certainly makes those easier to read and understand... That aside, just in case, I'll be posting up a blog post notifying you all of

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Comments ( 136 )
  • Viewing 132 - 136 of 136

Why thank you~ glad to be back, and doubly so to have good things by an author I like to read :p

Thanks for the favourite on SAPR. I saw your name and I was like 'I recognise that name from somewhere' and it's you who wrote the Kitsune story! Welcome back!

I'd say that qualifies as "Quite some time.", wouldn't you?

you haven't written anything since 2014 XD

  • Viewing 132 - 136 of 136
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