• Member Since 25th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 30th, 2019



If I edit for you, read this · 5:36pm Dec 21st, 2013

I will be on a ski trip and unable to edit any stories from Sunday 12/22/13 to Thursday 12/26/13. That is all.

Report Ghfufhfuygghrthcg · 290 views ·
Comments ( 56 )
  • Viewing 52 - 56 of 56

Thanks for the fav and watch:twilightsmile:

1171733 I follow all authors whom I've favorited so I can keep updated and see if they come out with any new stories that pique my interest.

Thank ya kindly for the follow my friend! :ajsmug: I hope you enjoy your stay with me! May I ask what I did to deserve this honor?

Thanks for the follow! :twilightsmile:

Thank you for the watch! :raritywink:

  • Viewing 52 - 56 of 56
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