Hey, that's a thing! · 7:23am Jul 29th, 2015
I'm well and truly getting back into the swing of actually writing, an update will be forthcoming.
At present, I'm about 60-65% done with the most recent chapter and I'm hoping to have it finished in the next week or so.
Hello I was given permission by the author to write a A midsummer's Night dream side story since I have permission from the author to write the side story I'm thinking that maybe I should write this side story as a continuation of his work I will be adding in new elements shown from the anime and the second movie
I hope that wherever you are, you’re doing ok :)
Hey man u ever coming back?
Even if you never see this Killbles thank you for writing a Midsummer night,s dream
Hey there’s a new Pacific Rim anime on Netflix
Hey bro you alive?
Hi how are you?
Hey, can I get a full-size version of your profile pic? Thanks.
Can we have news please?