Well damn, i'm on again. Well, at least to leave this message. · 9:48am Dec 13th, 2014
So... I haven't posted anything for... god knows how long. Almost a year, i think? And in all honesty, it's not a writer's block either. It's just a rapidly dropping interrst in it, combined with a change in story prefference.
So in short i believe this might possibly the last blog entry you will see from me in a very long time, if at all.
Hmm, I'd be willing to help you out if you're still looking. PM me and we can talk details amigo. Peace, Sam
882502 NP at all. I want to see what you can do :)
532932 how come you doesn't appear among my followers
simply click on the follow button
369991 Bow for the allmighty appledash
They are indeed cute