• Member Since 3rd Oct, 2017
  • offline last seen June 11th

Magnus Orion

I do nothing. What, were you expecting something?

Comments ( 141 )
  • Viewing 137 - 141 of 141

Uh, I put everything in my unread folder.


Insert Hallelujah here

Chapter 3 of Nyx and the Sunset is being rewritten. Once chapter 3's re=written chapter is up, chapters four to six will be unpublished. Just thought I'd let you know. :twilightsmile:

Thank you for adding, The True Nightmare, to your favorite stories list! What did you find interesting that you put it into your Unread folder? (Don’t worry. I ask this question almost all the time).

  • Viewing 137 - 141 of 141
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